Short description
The goal of the visualization tool is to assist businesses in thinking about sharing material and expertise streams, identifying materials, and presenting existing circular projects, as well as promoting companies that are participants in business or cluster collaborations for the circular economy. The visualization tool has been named Bivis.
Bivis Bivis is a pilot of a visualization tool that graphically displays material, water, energy, and expertise streams. In addition, several types of collaborations will be explained and visualized. Each cluster participant will be marked on an interactive map, so that users can orient themselves on which actors and projects exist in the clusters. Such an interactive visualization tool (interactive map) is a good start, and there are several opportunities to incorporate more advanced data. The tool will give participants a stronger sense of ownership and anchoring. In addition, it will have a marketing effect for the clusters, Trøndelag, and the circular economy. Bivis will be designed so that it can easily be extended to several industry clusters at the regional and national level. This project will be relevant for new cluster formations, more mature clusters, and business collaborations. The use of the tool will stimulate an increase in the number of collaborative projects and improve the knowledge between the companies.
The launch will take place at Damphuset in Orkanger on Wednesday, November 18th at 1:00 PM. Sign up here.